When it comes to managing the complexities of today's benefit plans, there is no substitute for experience and a broader vision. Whether you manage benefits on a local, regional or global basis, Abelica Global firms have the wisdom, experience and resources necessary to help you deliver innovative and cost-effective plans for your employees. Each Abelica Global firm offers unparalleled knowledge of its local market – and formidable international reach supported by the combined experience and resources of Abelica Global firms worldwide.
Services: Pension plan design • Pension administration • Governance and Compliance • Longevity • Liability & Risk Management • Internationally mobile employees • Mergers & Acquisitions • Funding & Financing • Non-Retirement Benefits • Communications
In the world of insurance and financial services, change remains the only constant. Our firms lead the field in spotting emerging trends, monitoring regulatory changes, and helping clients adapt their products and practices. We focus on strategic issues that affect your financial performance, shareholder value and competitive position. By choosing an Abelica Global firm, you are choosing consultants and actuaries who are leaders in the field – and who have the professional training, experience and ingenuity required to meet your individual needs, no matter how challenging they might be.
Services: Financial Reporting • Independent Actuarial opinions • Product Development, Design & Pricing • Market Analysis • Mergers & Acquisitions • Reinsurance • Risk & Capital Management • International Finance Centres • Technology Solutions
Markets can move in unpredictable ways. Curiosity, creative intelligence and agility make all the difference when investing with long term objectives, especially in an increasingly global environment. With a strong local base and the support of professionals worldwide, we offer independent and unbiased advice to improve the effectiveness of your investment strategies. Investment consultants at Abelica Global firms give practical, high-quality investment advice, backed up by a range of innovative analytical tools and software – and our outstanding research capabilities.
Services: Global investment research • Strategic Investment Reviews • Investment manager selection • Investment monitoring • Asset Liability Modelling • Lifestyle Strategies • Communication & Education
ArgentinaMelinsky, Pellegrinelli & Asoc.Eduardo Melinsky www.melpel.com.ar |
PeruPrime Re SolutionsGuido Monteverde guido.monteverde@prs-zug.comwww.prime-re-solutions.expert |
BrazilMiradorGiancarlo Germany giancarlo@mirador360.com.br www.mirador360.com.br |
ColombiaFinac Finanzas y ActuariaLuis Gabriel Caro luis.caro@finac.comwww.finac.com |
BarbadosEckler Ltd.Lisa Wade lwade@eckler.cawww.eckler.ca |
Mexico - BenefitsVitalisAbraham Hernandez abe@vitalis.com.mxvitalis.com.mx |
CanadaEckler LtdRichard Brown rbrown@eckler.cawww.eckler.ca |
Mexico - InsurancePrime Re SolutionsJosé Borrego jose.borrego@prs-zug.comwww.prime-re-solutions.expert |
JamaicaEckler LtdConstance Hall chall@eckler.cawww.eckler.ca |
USAOctober ThreeJeff Stevenson jstevenson@octoberthree.comwww.octoberthree.com |
AustriaAktuar Versicherungsmathematik GmbHJohannes Wirius johannes.wirius@a-vm.atwww.a-vm.at |
Ireland - InsuranceBoal & Co.Mark Kiernan mkiernan@boalco.comwww.boalco.com |
NetherlandsSprenkelsMartijn Euverman martijn.euverman@sprenkels.nlwww.sprenkels.nl |
BelgiumConac nv/saJan Geerardyn leen.steppe@conac.be www.conac.be |
Ireland - BenefitsUnio Financial Services LtdDeclan Keena declan.keena@unio.iewww.unio.ie |
PortugalActuariadoCarmen Oliveira carmen.oliveira@actuariado.ptwww.actuariado.pt |
FranceFixageDominique Piermay www.fixage.com |
Isle of ManBoal & Co.Mark Kiernan mkiernan@boalco.comwww.boalco.com |
SloveniaPrime Re SolutionsBor Harej bor.harej@prs-zug.comwww.prime-re-solutions.expert |
GermanyNeuburger & PartnerTobias Tausch poeschl@neuburger.com www.neuburger.com |
ItalyOlivieri & AssociatiPaola Fersini Fersini@OlivieriAssociati.itwww.olivieriassociati.it |
SwedenNordic Actuary ABSusanna Wallin susanna.wallin@nordact.sewww.nordact.se |
GibraltarBoal & CoMark Kiernan mkiernan@boalco.comwww.boalco.com |
JerseyBWCI GroupMark Colton mark.colton@bwcigroup.comwww.bwcigroup.com |
Switzerland - Benefitsallea AGUrs Barmettler urs.barmettler@allea.chwww.allea.ch |
GreeceAnrasMarianna Anyfanti Anyfanti.Marianna@anras.grwww.anras.gr |
Liechtensteinallea (Liechtenstein) AGUrs Barmettler urs.barmettler@allea.chwww.allea.ch |
Switzerland - InsurancePrime Re SolutionsFrank Cuypers frank.cuypers@prs-zug.comwww.prime-re-solutions.expert |
GuernseyBWCI GroupStephen Ainsworth clair.lepoidevin@bwcigroup.com www.bwcigroup.com |
LuxembourgPECOMA Actuarial and Risk S.A.Gerd Gebhard gerd.gebhard@pecoma.luwww.pecoma.lu |
United KingdomHymans RobertsonAmanda Switzer amanda.switzer@hymans.co.uk/a>www.hymans.co.uk |
AngolaActuariadoCarmen Oliveira carmen.oliveira@actuariado.ptwww.actuariado.pt |
Cape VerdeActuariadoCarmen Oliveira carmen.oliveira@actuariado.ptwww.actuariado.pt |
MozambiqueActuariadoCarmen Oliveira carmen.oliveira@actuariado.ptwww.actuariado.pt |
AustraliaMcGing Advisory & ActuarialSean McGing sean.mcging@mcging.com.auwww.mcging.com.au |
IndiaM/S K A PanditJayesh Pandit kulin@ka-pandit.com www.ka-pandit.com |
JapanIIC PartnersJunichiro Nakamura junichiro.nakamura@iicp.co.jpwww.iicp.co.jp |
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